jLuger.de - Blog

Sqlite3 and golang webapp

I've recently developed a webapp with pure go, session handling from beego and sql support by go-sqlite3 from mattn. Right after the I've coded the first method that needed to make more than one db access I've got the following error:

Golang error handling

The error handling in the standard packages is like this:

Multiple PDF to PNG

A short command to convert all PDFs in a directory to PNG without a transparent background and even when the PDFs have more than one page.

Authenticate at AppEngine dev server

Got a webapp in Googles AppEngine for a restricted user group? Enabe login required in the app.yaml and the AppEngine redirects the first access to a secured area to a login page. For productive running applications this requires to log in with a Google account but for the dev server it means only one (or two when admin privilege are required) clicks to get in the webapp. Things get complicated when it is a HTML 5 webapp with a RESTful API as a backend and an Android app should access the backend. For the production Nick Johnson has written a nice tutorial. Just don't try to replace localhost in https://yourapp.appspot.com/_ah/login?continue=http://localhost/&auth= with something meaningful. localhost is required here. But running a development version of an app against a live system isn't fun. Life will be much more easier using the dev server that is already installed for the backend.

RSS parsing with go

How to parse RSS in Go? Define the following types:

Go revised: Final words

This will be the end of my little Go revised series. Time for some final words.

Go revised: http handling

During the development of Serve I have learned the http handling of Go. It is very strange for a Java developer but in my opinion it suits the http protocol far more better than Java.

Go revised: shared libraries

As I have shown in previous posts thanks to gccgo Go programs could use shared libraries with Go code. Finished? Unfortunately not as there are still some issues and glitches to be discussed.

Go revised: RAM usage

In the last post I've written about the file size. Of course disk usage isn't the only measurement and so I wanted to add some figures about RAM usage. The last article grow in length and it turned out to be very complicated to provide those figures so that I decided to give it an extra post.


Go revised: File size

In this post I will talk about the file size of programs written with Go. The compiled programs were very large and it was interesting to see what gccgo brought into the issue.

