jLuger.de - Relaunch of my homepage

I am proud to anouce the relaunch of my homepage. The old site got outdated as there were conceptional and technical problems that prevented the adding of new content. Here's a list of changes:
The blog should save the conceptional problem. On my old homepage I had only articles and as you know writing an article is much harder than just to post a small blog entry. Of course I still want to write some articles. Thats why you see the article tab in the menu at the top of the page.
The CMS was necessary because it tourned out to be very difficult to keep the navigation menu up to date on all pages. So i've created my own CMS. If youi want to know more about my CMS and the reasons for it read the article Why and how to build your own CMS.

Unfortunately my homepage is not yet ready. I try to add the following things in the near future:
I may also add a blog archive but this is a kind of extra goody.