jLuger.de - Blog

Native x86 Microservice in Java

In November 2018 I've attended the SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CAMP and gave the talk "Native x86 Microservice in Java". This series of blog posts is an extended version of the talk.

jSpirit Unconference 2018

At January the 13th and 14th I've attended the jSpirit Unconference 2018.

hustior - new features

I've added two new features to hustior: direct program execution and config files.


In my last posts I've written about the usage of Linux namespaces. I've took the lessons learned there and went one step further to create a sandbox called hustior.

Owncloud in a container: putting all together

In the previous posts I've explained how to run a container with my Ownlcoud installation without docker but it still requires a lot of commands to be executed manually and php-fpm didn't like to be run as root. This post explains how to put all together to start it with one command and also how to please php-fpm.

Owncloud in a container: device files

As I've mentioned in the previous post there was a problem in my container that prevented it from starting the webserver. After some debugging I've found that it was missing a random device and the null device file in the /dev directory.

Owncloud in a container: getting the runtime files

In the last post I've explained the parts to isolate a container but the runtime is still missing. With runtime I mean the program files/executables to run my Owncloud installation. To make live easy for me I've used a docker installation in a virtual machine.

Owncloud in a container: container and namespaces

As docker became more and more popular I've started to get my hands on it. For that I've searched the web after documentation and examples. While on that I've came across the following presentation: Anatomy of a Container: Namespaces, cgroups & Some Filesystem Magic - LinuxCon. It introduced me to the concept of namesapces and how they are used to separate conatainers from each other and the host system.

Owncloud in a container

As I've mentioned in my last post I've got a new computer. It required a newer version of Ubuntu which broke my Owncloud installation. To be fair I've used a "very stable" version of Owncloud. I was already planing about updating to the latest edge version as I've remembered a story about my scanner I've told to my coworker a few days ago.

FreeBSDBackup Update 2017

In 2012 and 2014 I've blogged about my FreeBSD based backup system. Lucky me didn't need it until now. But this month I've got a new computer and took this as a chance of testing the full  restoring of all data. I've learned two lessons I've want to share here.
