With Ubuntu 21.10 Canonical started to ship Firefox not as a deb
package but as a snap package by default. While Ubuntu 21.10 still
has the deb package of Firefox with 22.04 the snap version of
Firefox will be the only one available. Snap apps are self contained
and isolated. For the isolation they use linux namespaces. Just like
hustior does and running namespaced applications in a namespace
isn't easy. So this promised some work.
Running hustior without any arguments resulted in a firefox not
found message. That is because all snap apps are stored under the
/snap directory. Adding the /snap directory showed that the
application wants to access also /sys/kernel and
/home/<user>/snap. After adding these directories I got the
following error message:
futex(0x55c6557aac30, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULLinterner
Fehler, bitte melden: Ausführung von "firefox" fehlgeschlagen:
cannot create transient scope: DBus error
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs": [Process 10 is a kernel
thread, refusing.]
So somehow it took the process number in hustior (10) and wanted to
do something with it outside of hustior but there was the process id
(10) protected. So I went over to github to view the code:
It turns out that all snap apps under /snap/bin are links to
/usr/bin/snap and the snap command uses a unix socket to let a
central daemon start the snap app. This was a huge problem as
hustior isn't designed to isolate running daemons.
After that I looked around the /snap subdirectories and found the
firefox binaries under /snap/firefox/current/usr/lib/firefox.
Calling /snap/firefox/current/usr/lib/firefox/firefox actually
started firefox directly. So I've used the following config to
run snap Firefox in hustior: