jLuger.de - Android vs Banshee Media Player

I haven't connected an android device with my PC via USB since a long time. As I needed to get some log data I've tried it again and to my surprise I could access the internal memory (At the time I've got my Galaxy Nexus this didn't work on Linux due to a bug). After several updates of the Android SDK I've got my log data and wanted to copy some data on the phone. It didn't work. First I've got this error message:
Unable to open MTP Device '[usb:003,004]'

After a second attempt I've got than this:
Error: no such interface ‘org.gtk.vfs.Mount’ on object at path /org/gtk/vfs/mount/1

On another PC with the same Ubuntu version it still worked. First I've thought that the update of the Android SDK were at fault. While looking around the system for changes I've got over this entry at the output of dmesg:
[12781.532868] usb 3-2: usbfs: process 8267 (banshee) did not claim interface 0 before use

So I've turned out Banshee Media Player and connected the phone again. Now I could access the internal memory again. This behavior is even reproducible. Every time I listen to music I can't access the internal memory but as soon as I turn off banshee I get access.