jLuger.de - How to catch unhandled exceptions

When you've got uncaught exceptions that terminate your application you've got a bug. And a bug has to be fixed. Things change a little bit when you have to maintain a five year old application and the developers reveal more bugs than the tester. Especially when the bugs terminate the application without a notice. Then you would like to have a second line of defense that warns the user that something nasty has happened.
Searching for uncaught exceptions took me quickly to the blog post http://stuffthathappens.com/blog/2007/10/07/programmers-notebook-uncaught-exception-handlers/. There Eric Burke introduces the UncaughtExceptionHandler. This sounded like a cool solution until I've read the warning that it won't work with modal dialogs. Well the application in question is a Swing Rich-Client that uses modal dialogs.
While I was going through the stack trace of a sample application I've found that all AWTEvents go through the EventQueue class and I knew that you can provide you own EventQueue to swing. So I've made a simple test application and it worked. This seemed far to easy. So I've searched the web and found that someone else had the same solution. http://ruben42.wordpress.com/2009/03/30/catching-all-runtime-exceptions-in-swing/ describes this solution far more extensive as I would like to do. So go over there and read it.

There is an update for this blog entry.